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Generating a Refresh Token- API Credentials | Not generating any token

We are trying to generate a new API token but this is not functioning.

The functioning seems in an indefinite loop. Can you help us to understand where we can check to fix this ??

(3) Replies
By Technical Writer
Technical Writer

I just tried and was able to generate a token. If you are still seeing the behavior I would get a HAR trace of a new attempt and open a support case.

  1.  Open the Developer Tools in your browser: 3 dot menu->More Tools->Developer Tools
  2.  Go to the Network tab
  3.  Ensure "Preserve Log" is checked
  4.  Click the Create Refresh Token button
  5.  If the page continues to spin, use the Export HAR file button on the network tab to save the trace to a file

Thanks for replying, but my issue is not solved.

I am looking for User settings > API Credential > Create API refresh token.

And I am unable to locate below points from your reply, if u can tell me where it on would be great.

4.Click the Create Refresh Token button

5. If the page continues to spin, use the Export HAR file button on the network tab to save the trace to a file




Sorry for not being clear. The first step is to go to User settings->API Credential page but before you click the "Create API Refresh Token" button. Please perform the steps I provided. This will capture the web calls being made so that we can get a better idea of what is causing the token to not be returned and the page just continues to load in a loop.