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We are trying to generate a new API token but this is not functioning.The functioning seems in an indefinite loop. Can you help us to understand where we can check to fix this ??
I have issue in generating Token on Flexera.We have upgraded our ServiceNow Instance from Paris to Quebec And Flexera - 5.0.316 version is installed.And when trying to generate token getting error :- error 401, server error ,access_denied   
Hi team,We have upgraded Servicenow Paris to Quebec and Flexera - 5.0.316 version is installed on our servicenow instances.And issue is when I try to generate token with user name and password it says :- Error: 401 Message: server_error, access_denie...
Two transform map in servicenow i.e. "FNMS Application "-> "Software & FNMS Application -> Software Instance" are getting disable as soon as data sync is starting from flexera .These transform map are getting disable by "Flexera.Integrator" user who ...
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‎Aug 30, 2023
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