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Application Licenses Assessed

Hi Team,

My query is regarding license consumption. we have allocated licenses to the named user.

Issue is those users not mapping to their respective devices, But we confirmed from the user they are using software in their machines and those machines are reporting to flexera as well.



(1) Reply
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

There are a number of relationships in the data to consider here. You could investigate:

  • Is usage of the application(s) in question being detected? i.e. When you look at details of an application installation somewhere in the UI, it is shown as "used"? If not, consider your source of usage data to ensure it contains relevant raw details of usage, and whether there are application recognition rules configured in the ARL that will recognize those raw details.
  • Do users appear as the "assigned user" or "calculated user" on relevant inventory device records? If not, consider whether your inventory source is accurately identifying currently logged on users in inventory, and whether the user details from inventory will be matching up with user records that have been created in the system.

BTW - these relationships are complicated, and following them through the data flows that occur in the system is tricky. But hopefully these points give a pointer in some helpful directions to investigate.

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