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ndtrack consuming high CPU Utilization

ndtrack process is consuming high CPU utilization on devices (specially AIX & Linux) during business hours.
Reconciliation is set to run at 02:00 AM in night.

Inventory agent schedule is set to run at 1:30 PM, Shall I change it to non-business hours to avoid the resource utilizations. Any Suggestions.

agent scheduler.JPG

(6) Replies

Hi Sushant,

check in tracker logs for few server reported as high CPU. also verify setting enable as per below doc as we have also faced the same problem & got resolved post disable of setting.

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

See if you can associate the high CPU usage with particular parts of the inventory gathering process by matching up the CPU usage with timestamps that appear in the tracker.log file.

In addition to the article that @durgeshsingh has mentioned, here is another article describing a known issue with CPU usage on systems that use RPM packages: Known Issue: ndtrack may consume high CPU usage for an extended period processing RPM package information after logging line "Started package database update for package types '...' into '/var/opt/managesoft/cache/packagedb.cdb'" (IOK-608835)

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)
By Level 9 Champion
Level 9 Champion

Hi @sushant_narula,

When you refer to high CPU usage? What typical CPU usage are you seeing v what you would expect? 


@durgeshsingh @ChrisG @bmaudlin meanwhile I am working on the logs, Utilization on the devices was observed at the time which is set in Inventory Agent Schedule.

Will changing the time under the Inventory Agent Schedule will be helpful. I am planning to do it in night and commence with in 4 hours. 

@sushant_narula -->Please check if any other high CPU process runs on same time like antivirus scan or SCCM task like that. Based on that you can take decision.


It's a pragmatic conversation really, as moving the scan time would ultimately in theory decrease your CPU usage in business hours, but will move it to another time.

The questions I have are >

The increase in CPU, has this been observed by monitoring or end user for example - is there a degradation in service.

Has it been considered if you move the scan time into the early morning hours, this could impact any inventory from any end user devices with the agent installed

As @durgeshsingh has mentioned is anything else running at a similar time?

Is the agent set to low/high priority in the settings?

Has any thought been given to restrict the file paths the agent scans, so decreasing scan time for example?

For me in my scenario, I rarely hear noise about the agent consuming CPU resource on servers, however the greater impact for my environment is end user compute, whether that is virtualised or physical.

In terms of physical for example, the Flexera agent consumes circa 10% of CPU resource when inventorying a device, which is not necessarily particularly high. But when a bunch of other agents are consuming similar, we quickly reach into the 90%'s of CPU resource consumed by agents - so it's something I need to consider in the future.
