Hi Team,
We are facing the report log issues in one of the third-party vendor daemons Dassault Systemes (DSLS).
It is working fine until 7th November, after it is not working from 7th November.
Report logs are captured in the admin server, and it is getting logs but 0KB logs is generated.
When we verified in the license server logs are generating properly.
After we tried to update the report log manually, but it is not updating the report log in the admin server.
Agent is UP and running fine and the agent is Unix server agent in the license server.
I have attached the report log issue documents, please help us to solve the issue.
‎Nov 24, 2022 03:12 AM
One question to consider is whether you are aware of anything changing around 7th November. For example, was the DSLS vendor daemon upgraded, or something else done that might have resulted in the logs it generates changing in some way?
If you can share a sample of what is appearing in the DSLS logs here (from both before and after 7th November), then people may be able to comment further. Do be careful to avoid sharing any confidential information that may appear in there.
‎Nov 27, 2022 10:09 PM