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By Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

What's new in this release

Changes to note:

  • New EOL dates added for 720 applications
  • Updated EOL dates for 21 applications

    Count of new applications added:

    Publisher Number of Applications
    Oracle 23
    NCH Software 13
    Dassault Systemes 12
    Neural DSP 10
    Microsoft 10
    Quest 9
    Adobe 9
    IBM 9
    Red Hat 8
    Scientific Linux 8
    Others 217
    Total 328

    Current Library Totals:

    • A number of applications in ARL: 333,127  across 22,125 publishers.
    • Number of evidence recognition rules:2,509,911
      • Installer evidence rules: 1,382,200
      • File evidence rules: 687,174
      • WMI evidence rules: 1459
      • Application suite evidence rules: 359
      • Number of commercial applications with service life dates: 84,926

You can inspect changes made in this ARL release as per the following links: