I'm trying to add a column in a report that shows the number of applications that are discovered on inventory device.
Is it possible to do so? I couldn't find the option while building a report
Jun 22, 2021 09:32 AM
Hi Alex,
There is no way to configure such a report using the report builder available from the FNMS UI, unfortunately.
Assuming that you work with an on-prem version of FNMS, you can extract this information from the [FNMSCompliance] database using the following SQL:
;WITH cteInstalledApplicationCount (ComplianceComputerID, InstalledApplicationCount) AS
, COUNT(ia.SoftwareTitleID) AS InstalledApplicationCount
FROM [InstalledApplications] ia
GROUP BY ia.ComplianceComputerID
, cct.DefaultValue AS ComputerType
, cc.ComputerName
, ciac.InstalledApplicationCount
FROM [ComplianceComputer] cc
JOIN [ComplianceComputerType] cct
ON cc.ComplianceComputerTypeID = cct.ComplianceComputerTypeID
JOIN cteInstalledApplicationCount ciac
ON ciac.ComplianceComputerID = cc.ComplianceComputerID
All you need to do is expose this SQL query as a report in the FNMS UI.
Jun 23, 2021 03:00 AM
Hi Erwin !
Thanks for the reply on this.
The SQL returns the value I was looking for.
As for exposing the SQL as a report in the FNMS UI, I am not too sure how too procede.
I found this (ComplianceSavedSearch Table) :
So in order to make this work I would need to add a record in the said table in order to access it via the UI?
Or is it something else I need to do to acheive this?
Jun 23, 2021 10:15 AM
Try using the Installations (number) report column that is available on inventory device records, which counts the number of application installations that have been recognized on each device:
Jun 23, 2021 09:53 PM