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Report - Add a count on inventory in a report


I'm trying to add a column in a report that shows the number of applications that are discovered on inventory device.

Is it possible to do so? I couldn't find the option while building a report




(3) Replies

Hi Alex,

There is no way to configure such a report using the report builder available from the FNMS UI, unfortunately.

Assuming that you work with an on-prem version of FNMS, you can extract this information from the [FNMSCompliance] database using the following SQL:

;WITH cteInstalledApplicationCount (ComplianceComputerID, InstalledApplicationCount) AS
        , COUNT(ia.SoftwareTitleID)     AS InstalledApplicationCount
    FROM [InstalledApplications] ia
    GROUP BY ia.ComplianceComputerID
    ,  cct.DefaultValue                 AS ComputerType
    ,  cc.ComputerName
    ,  ciac.InstalledApplicationCount
FROM      [ComplianceComputer]          cc  
JOIN      [ComplianceComputerType]      cct  
    ON cc.ComplianceComputerTypeID = cct.ComplianceComputerTypeID
JOIN      cteInstalledApplicationCount  ciac 
    ON ciac.ComplianceComputerID   = cc.ComplianceComputerID

All you need to do is expose this SQL query as a report in the FNMS UI.

Hi Erwin !

Thanks for the reply on this.

The SQL returns the value I was looking for.

As for exposing the SQL as a report in the FNMS UI, I am not too sure how too procede.

I found this (ComplianceSavedSearch Table) :

 So in order to make this work I would need to add a record in the said table in order to access it via the UI?

Or is it something else I need to do to acheive this?


Try using the Installations (number) report column that is available on inventory device records, which counts the number of application installations that have been recognized on each device:


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