Question did the -o LogFile=Inventory.log option get deprecated? I am trying to have the log file go to a specific location.
āJun 26, 2020 11:01 AM
Here is the command line we are using.
ndtrack.exe -t machine -o Upload=True -o IncludeDirectory="C:\Program Files (x86)"," D:\Program Files (x86)"," C:\Program Files"," D:\Program Files" -o Recursive=TRUE -o CheckCertificateRevocation=FALSE -o CheckServerCertificate=FALSE -o UploadLocation=http://<BeaconServerName>/ManageSoftRL -o MachineZeroTouchDirectory=C:\flexera\agent -o LogFile=c:\flexera\agent\tracker.log
āJun 26, 2020 11:23 AM
It is still part of the documentation, so I guess it should still work.
āJun 27, 2020 04:56 AM
If you're not seeing logging produced in the named file, I wonder if the quoting of the IncludeDirectory setting is causing some havoc.
Quoting syntax may depend on what shell/process you are using to invoke the command, but if you are using a cmd shell try:
ndtrack.exe -t machine -o Upload=True -o "IncludeDirectory=C:\Program Files (x86),D:\Program Files (x86),C:\Program Files,D:\Program Files" -o Recursive=TRUE -o CheckCertificateRevocation=FALSE -o CheckServerCertificate=FALSE -o UploadLocation=http://<BeaconServerName>/ManageSoftRL -o MachineZeroTouchDirectory=C:\flexera\agent -o LogFile=c:\flexera\agent\tracker.log
āJun 28, 2020 08:54 PM
Thanks Chris I will take a crack at it. We are using CMD as admin. I will keep this thread updated.
āJun 29, 2020 09:39 AM