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FNMS Inventory data processing

Hi All,


I would like to know if we have the ignored Inventory devices in FNMS which are no longer available in the scope or decommissioned will impact the Inventory Import and Recon time?

Also if we have already updated the exclusion list for an OS and the Evidence data related to those excluded paths are already there in the respective evidence tables, will it impact the Inventory Import and Recon?


Do we need to delete the unwanted data to make sure the data is not being considered at all during the inventory import and Recon? The reason for asking this is because we have an envvironment where it is volatile and the devices getting created and decommissioned will be in very short span. the more the devices are entering into FNMS and staying as Ignore will impact the import process I believe as the inventory import is taking around 23 hours to complete and it is a daily scheduled for us the time left for the end unsers to work on the Application is 1 hour and that too the time taking to load the data will be more and finally they end up having very less time to access the data.

Our total Inventory devices are: 287,224 and

Active devices out of them are: 120,632


Please let me know if the ignored inventory and excluded path related evidence does impact the Inventory Import and Recon and the way to get rid of this data if its impacting.

@ChrisG @kclausen @nicolasR 


Srikanth Mallampati

(2) Replies

I don't think that flexera process for ignored devices. So it should not impact your recon process.

You may delete the ignored inventory devices from Inventory DB if not required at all or scgedule cron job to delete the ingored devices regularly.