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Exporting Consumption Report Data


I'm very new to this tool just wondering if anyone can give me some guidance on the exporting of consumption report data from Flexera 

(3) Replies
By Level 17 Champion
Level 17 Champion


It depends on what level you want the data to be.

  • If you're just looking for compliance data on a license level, you can go with the "All Licenses" view. You can export the data from the WebUI directly.
  • You may also be able to report somewhat more complex data using the "Reports" section. There you can combine relevant elements like "License", "Installation", "Inventory device", "User", etc.
  • If you need to report on consuming elements, like users, computers or hosts, it gets more complex quickly using "SQL". This is mainly due to different data structures for different license types.

I you haven't done yet, you should consider the content from the Learning Center:


Thank you for such a rapid and very useful response.
My task is to export Windows Server consumption data from “reports” – I think the summary in your last bullet point is most similar to what I’ve been asked to do. I will review the link you suggested, thanks again for your guidance here.


The learning center should cover list items 1 & 2.

For the last option, you will need database access (FNMS on prem only) and an understanding of the DB schema. The schema is covered here:

Best regards,
