Hi Team,
We initially faced an error importing a csv file using the business adapter. The error was Text File specification field separator matches decimal separator or text delimiter.
So tried to update regional (data format) settings to decimal to . and list separator to ,
Still the error not gone. Then in business adapter studio, we selected 'semicolon' as the separator and updated the source CSV file with a semicolon instead of a comma
This time, the error is gone and data imported to BAS. however, when we trying to map "computer name" property to the column "hostname" from CSV, the column headers from CSV are not shown as a list, instead shown as "hostname;role;costcenter".
So we could not map the columns properly. Attached screenshot for your ref.
Appreciate your assistance
Rajesh Ponnala
Nov 26, 2019 09:05 AM
Hi Rajesh,
For semicolon to work properly, I usually do the following:
With this, instead of defining the semicolon as delimiter in the business import, it is done in the schema.ini file.
Best regards,
Nov 26, 2019 09:24 AM
Hi Rajesh,
For semicolon to work properly, I usually do the following:
With this, instead of defining the semicolon as delimiter in the business import, it is done in the schema.ini file.
Best regards,
Nov 26, 2019 09:24 AM