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Agent Upload Location Path (ManageSoftRL)

In the mgssetup.ini (bootstrapping template) 

When we have to uncomment and edit the following line:

RUNCMD = cmd.exe

RUNCMDARGS = /C start ndtrack -t Machine -o


Which location we have to update in UploadLocation. Our app server ?

(1) Solution

The 'UploadLocation' parameter should generally point to a Beacon (FQDN or IP address) that is accessible to the computer where the Flexera agent is running, like 'https://<Beacon-FQDN>/ManageSoftRL'.

For additional details, check the documentation on Flexera agent parameters, please.

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(1) Reply

The 'UploadLocation' parameter should generally point to a Beacon (FQDN or IP address) that is accessible to the computer where the Flexera agent is running, like 'https://<Beacon-FQDN>/ManageSoftRL'.

For additional details, check the documentation on Flexera agent parameters, please.