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By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I work with AdminStudio 3.0 and want to give a MenuFolder in ProgramsMenu dynamically the display name using the system variable SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER (SHELL_~1|SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER is then the display name)

but this donĀ“t work, somewhere I read that this is a bug - perhaps in Developer(?)

Has anyone an idea, how I can solve this problem. I tried to
write in the database with script, but this not the right way.

And to give the name of the menufolder via commandline in a
property is also not the right way, because I cannot rename the
folder via script, I did not find any function to rename a folder.

ok, other suggestions?

bye, Thomas
(2) Replies
DefaultDir column in Directory table requires text string.

What you can do is to use a CA (in, for example, InstallScript or VBScript) to rename the folder after shortcuts are created. However, you need to reverse your action with another CA during uninstallation.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
thank you for your reply,
this idea I had also, but I looked for a function to rename
a folder in InstallScript and I did not find it..., do I have a

Ok, have a nice time, bye Thomas