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...on repackaging for Terminal Servers

(originally posted in a wrong forum)

Just wondering if anyone has any theories, tips, informative urls on the topic of msi repackaging for applications to be depolyed to terminal servers.

It seems that there are a couple of different approaches;

When repackaing, should I capture all the extra information down HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\Install\Machine etc etc? It seems that if I didnt, these terminal server specific settings could just be applied when my new repackaged msi is deployed by invoking "change user /install" before the installation.

The other is to capture all these 'terminal services' specific registry entries and include them in the new msi.

Any thoughts?
(1) Reply
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
The key you are refering to is the place where terminal services records changes to the HKCU and HKLM hives's under the software and machine keys respectively that took place in the time you put the terminal server into install mode and then back to execute mode.

The purpose of this is to make this information available to multiple users at the same time.

You would only capture this information if you were performing a snapshot on a terminal server itself - which is not an approach I am familiar with.

Normally keys in this location are a result of activity, normally an installation, that has taken place when terminal server has been placed into install mode. For guidelines regarding installing on terminal servers, there are some in the windows installer sdk (msi.chm). But I havn't found a "how to" guide yet.