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modifying shortcut information based on user input

Hello all 🙂

This is my first time trying to create a installation project with installshield.

My question is, how would I go about programatically modifying a shortcut with user supplied values? The shortcut needs to contain the path to the installation directory.

The shortcut right now looks like:
"c:\progra~1\....\program.exe -datadir h:\profile"

I need to be able to change the h:\profile to whatever directory the user installs into. By default, its h:\profile. But what if its something different? Then the link won't work.

(1) Reply
The input control that you used for the user to type into would have been bound to a property lets say in this case your property was called DATADIR. You then write the shortcut arguments as -datadir "[DATADIR]".

Word of warning though your user may enter a path with or without a trailing slash such as h:\profile or h:\profile\. If your app cannot handle this then you will need to create a custom action to manipluate the property value to accomodate this as well.