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how to update already deployed application?

Is there anyway to change the customization done to a deployed app (which was done using an MST file), which was deployed using Active Directory 2000 GPO?

We deployed Citrix's ICA 8.0 client recently, and forgot to remove one of the shortcuts. I'm wondering how to fix that without having to redeploy the client.
(2) Replies
You could try just snapshotting your changes as a new .MSI file and then distributing your small change app.

That is how I would do it myself, or I would just modify my complete application and then re-deploy the thing again, which might be the safest method.

I was hoping the answer was to use an MSP or MSM (not completely understanding what they were) but I know now it obviously isn't they way to go.

I think I'll just redeploy the app. It's quite small anyways so it won't cause too much disruption.