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folder permissions not installed

Hi there,
I'm new to AdminStudio and have a problem applying customized folder permissions. 😮
I recorded an installation via snapshot, created a MSI-file, tested it and began editing the file's and folder's permissions. everything seemed to work fine, but the builded MSI-file still doesn't set the desired permissions.
Finally I tried several syntaxes for users and domain but none of them worked. Maybe I'm doing sth. wrong while building the MSI? :confused:

Kind regards,

(2) Replies
You should take a look at LockPermissions table. There are several discussions on setting permissions in MSI, you will want to do a search on, e.g., LockPermissions and setacl, in the forums.
Thx for the hint.

Finally I got the solution. :cool:

The folder permissions could not be edited due to inherited permissions from C: root. The only way for me to change the folder's permission was a great but simple visual basic script: VB script for setting ACLs

Unfortunately you have to register two additional DLLs, but now everything works fine. 😄

Again, thanks for the help, but I still can't believe that such a powerfull tool like AdminStudio cannot record the permission changes..? :confused:
