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AdminStudio Forum

Forum Posts

Using environment variable in a shortcut

Is it possible to use an environment variable in a shortcut?What I mean the actual "%VARIABLE%" name.I have tried #%%ENVVAR% but I get an ICE03 error.What I want is a shortcut target to look like this:%ENVVAR%\app.exe (NO harcoded paths!)This is for ...

Cygnusx1 by Level 8
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Nt Service Password

HI,I wanted to know if its in any way possible to encrypt the password when u set a service? Because otherwise anybody can open the msi package and watch the password which is at the same a localadmin password.byeStephan

Repackager Bug !!!

Hi,I have repackaged my application which 1 folder with ' on P:\Program Files\Analyst's Notebook 6When I open repackager there is 2 folders with different name :P:\Program Files\Analyst's Notebook 6andP:\Program Files\Analysts Notebook 6I have open m...

OMSTEF by Level 6
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Apply a new MST to existing MSI install

Our company is currently using a software deployment tool to push MSI's to XP desktops. The problem we are running into is when an application needs a new MST applied to a existing install. We currently have to perform an uninstall then reinstall t...

reisje by Level 2
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Updating existing files using MST

About a year ago we deployed terminal emulation software using the vender provided MSI with our MST file that included three terminal session files. The MST was built using AdminStudio Tuner 5.5 which is what I still have.I now have to update the ter...

ldiaz57 by Level 2
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Application Isolation... but no exe file

Hey,While repackaging software for deployment through Active Directory, we encountered some applications with conflicting dll versions.We would like to run the Application Isolation Wizard and create manifests to isolate the dlls in question, but.......

tacoygol by Level 2
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SMS Web Console

I have a problem with getting SMS web console to function like it should. In advertisments page i can't browse for collection. If i do browse the application just returns an error, like below:Error Text:Application Error donderdag 19 mei 2005 The...

sogeti by Level 3
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repackager don't capture files from %SystemFolder%

I purchased AdminStudio FlexNet 7 prof., but I activated the serialnumber not yet. If I use the Repackager or the "Remote RePackager" all my systemfiles are not captured by the snapshot-process. Why? If I recapture the same setup with a older (AdminS...

oebi02 by Level 3
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Tuner not picking up all setup dialog windows

Creating a package with a vendor msi, when I use Tuner to create a transform it runs through the install screens and options from the msi, however the last two options do not come up, and Tuner thinks that the installation has completed. Consequently...

ICE57 Error

I have two shortcuts, one advertised and one normal, both install a file and a shortcut to the file. The normal shortcut generates the ice57 error.Why does the normal shortcut generate an error and not the advertised?Is there a good reason to fix it,...