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Updating existing files using MST

About a year ago we deployed terminal emulation software using the vender provided MSI with our MST file that included three terminal session files. The MST was built using AdminStudio Tuner 5.5 which is what I still have.

I now have to update the terminal session files on the users PC’s keeping the same names and adding one new file. I modified the existing MST- removed old files and added a new file... but it only works on a PC that never had the app installed previously.

The existing files do not have versions so I added a version (2.0) to the new files property but the files still do not overwrite nor does the new file get installed. It’s like the new MST file is completely ignored; I’m using the “reinstall all files regardless of version” option when reinstalling app.

Any ideas? :confused:
Thanks in advance!
(2) Replies
To use you new MST, you have to uninstall your MSI on user PC's and install your MSI with your new MST.
Seems like allot of effort just to replace 4 small files. I wonder if a Quick Patch will work. I'm guessing NO... because the files I want to patch/replace are in the MST not the MSI. I'll try it anyway and post my results here.