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AdminStudio Forum

Forum Posts

Update to AdminStudio yet?

So we're still waiting for the SP2 update for IS12 to be incorporated into AdminStudio. Now I see that IS 2008 is coming out.Are we getting any updates anytime soon? I always feel we're using the "stepchild" product, although AdminStudio is a highe...

PaulH1 by Level 2
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How To Package IIS 5.1

I have a request to create a msi that installs IIS 5.1. I used the Repackager to take a snap shot of the install. The msi gets created but when I test run the msi I get a message that says "Could not access Network Location for Administrative Tools"....

Ok stupid question about Media View

I'm re-authoring some MSI's that were built by a colleague - from the MSI's themselves, not from full Adminstudio Projects.I was hoping to do some minor updates and lo and behold, no Media view, so now Upgrade view either.Is this because of a missing...

Custom Action gacutil 1721 error

I am using a custom action that installs and calls gacutil.exe to register a dll in the Global Assembly Cache. When I uninstall the program I get a 1721 error because of this custom action. 1) is there a better way to register the dll to the GAC? 2)i...

%WindowsVolume%\.... error

Hi All,I have created one MSI from Legacy setup by capturing method with the help of Admin Studio tools repackagers and editors,but while i launch the msi for installation i am getting an error for %WindowsVolume%any idea for this??Thanks Pritesh


I have created a single feature with a single component basic msi that only installs one dll to a directory I get the following error any time I build it and the dll is a key file. If I don't mark it as a key file then it will build fine. I assume th...

[HELP] Running VBScript code or file

Hi Everybody,Here is my little problem today,I have to create an icon on the desktop of usersI create a little VBScript to do that because, out of network, the way to copy an existing icon, crash the msi installationSo to resume : We have to create a...

Monitoring vs Snapshot Method

Recently the question popped up which method should be chosen for a best practice guideline. Several official sources seem to prefer the monitorinig method because its faster and more efficient, but even within my limited testing I stumbled across so...

Problems building a repackage of exe to msi

I am trying to convert exe to msi. I am trying this using AdminStudio 8. I go through the Capture an Installation Using Repackaging Wizard and I've tried doing both the snapshot method and the Installation Monitoring method, those complete with no pr...


HiCan we have a feature shown in the feature tree that is grayed out rather than not show at all if the pre-requisites aren’t there for that feature, hence the user will know that the feature is part of the msi but the user will not have the option t...