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since ‎Apr 04, 2007
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Hi all,Wondering whether this is actually possible/concievable at all, or pushing the boundaries of what is viable with MSI/Windows Installer.We are generally using user-assigned apps deployed through Group Policy Software Installation to push MSI's ...
I'm re-authoring some MSI's that were built by a colleague - from the MSI's themselves, not from full Adminstudio Projects.I was hoping to do some minor updates and lo and behold, no Media view, so now Upgrade view either.Is this because of a missing...
"Error 1327". Any way to bypass the USER SHELL FOLDERS check?Hi all,This is my problem.We have a rather convoluted and complication network set up currently as we are mid-migration from Novell to AD.Our workstations currently authenticate against bot...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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