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XP & Win2000 Differences ?

Being asked to look into all currently packaged apps (for Win2k) to check their compatibility for XP.
Just wondering if there are any real differences with regards the applications running on the 2 'different' operating systems ?
I know the obvious one is the default folder for Windows (not that C:\Winnt is hardcoded anywhere!!) but I'm not really sure what else I need to be looking for ?

Thanks in advance
(1) Reply
We're currently starting up the same O/S migration, so I would be interested in any feedback as well. Most documentation is written as if you are going through a W95/NT to WXP migration, or if you have never repackaged any apps. We have a catalog of MSIs already, so most of the pain is behind us.

Hopefully, apps are using a variable for the WIndowsfolder, so it wouldn't matter if it was 'Windows' or 'winnt', so if you have apps which do have hardcoded paths (of any kind) they should be fixed.

App compat will also depend on what new policies you set regarding the new security settings (assume you are going to xp sp2), primarily regarding IE (pop-up blocking, binary behavior, mime sniffing, etc.) Another consideration is the Windows Firewall. Send me a PM and I can send you a few links to more info.

That being said - if anyone has any apps they know are problem childs going from W2K to WXP sp2, please let us know! Thank you!