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Windows 2000 Freezing

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Has anyone else experienced problems with repackaged installers created with AS 3.5 causing Windows 2000 machines to freeze on first run? You then restart the computer and the hourglass stays on the logon screen. You are unable to press CTRL-ALT-DEL or any key combination. If you do a restart using the Last Known Good Configuration, everything turns out fine and the repackaged app runs without problem. This has happened only on Windows 2000 machines, not XP, even though I used clean 2000 machines for both repackaging and development.
(2) Replies
This is the first time that we heard of such a problem. we have tested in Windows 2000 machines and all repackagesd apps worked fine.

To investigate this problem further, can you please let me know what packages you are repackaging?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thanks for your post...

Actually, it is every installer that I've built since upgrading to AdminStudio 3.5. This includes Adobe Acrobat 5, Adobe Photoshop 7, JMP 5 from SAS, MATLAB R13 from MathWorks, Mathematica 4.2 from Wolfram Research. All of these installers were actually built on Windows 2000 so I'm a little befuddled as to why that is the one OS that they don't work on. If we restart two times in a row with the Last Known Good Configuration option, it does eventually let you log in and the machine works fine, albeit a little slow for the first time. Every time after this, the machines work fine. As I stated before, XP, 98, ME are all OK running these installers.

Thanks for any additional information.