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WFMv4.06 Template shows "Copies" in Project Report

I have created my Global Template for the default Servicer and Requester companies in WorkFlow Manager v4.06 (AdminStudio v8.6).

I have flown a couple of applications through the template to verify it operates as expected and tweak the template where needed before I copy it to another 2 servicer & requestor companies for use as their template.

Everything works as expected apart from one thing.

In the "Project Report" , there appears to be "Copies" of the ONLY Global template for each workflow stage (A mixture of AdminStudio Workflows and Enterprise Server workflows).

This results in a Project Report that is 3 times longer than it should be as each workflow stage is shown once for each "copy" of the template.

I have attached a screenshot of the affected Project Report.

Other than "Edit" the workflow and data groups in the template, I have clicked the "UPDATE" button in the templates view twice (at different times) after changes.

Would this have created 2 "copies" of the template ?

(I have clicked "UPDATE" in WFM v4.04 previously without this effect)

How do I fix this ?

Apps which flow through the workflow appear listed in this report against the original template "Global-1".
(1) Reply
Hi Atlas,

As we discussed before, I'll post the explanation of this:

What you're seeing is resultant from modifying a template that has completed applications. The assumption in this case is that the completed applications need to continue to exist in their current form, and so a copy of the template is created silently on the back end so the changes don't apply to the completed applications.

When this happens, the new template gets a flag set to mark it as a copy, and point back to the original. If you look at the AMS_Templates table, you'll see that the template copies get the moniker '- copy (#xxxxxxx)'. In most views, WFM is smart enough to see the copies and obfuscate their existence and treat them as a part of the main template. In this case, there's a query that's included in the report that's not specific enough, and it groups by unique template, thus the appearance of copies. I have gone ahead and submitted this to be changed, though, in work order #IOA-000038883.

The way to work around this at this time (if it is truly problematic) is to delete the completed applications. A simple way of getting a list of the applications that are affected by this is to run the following query with the name of the template copy:

select * from ams_application where templateid in (select templateid from ams_templates where templatename='Name of template copy here')

Hope this helps anyone else who runs into this!