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Using Repackager, and Conflict import from a share


I have a PC setup with Install Shield 6 installed on the host PC with a number of virtual PCs setup using VMWARE.

I use the Host Shared Folders option to map to and see the AdminStudio programs and folders on the host PC.

I want to do two things:

1: Capture software installations that I perform on one of he virtual PCs
2: Inport the OS (i.e. OS Snapshot) of the virtual PCs into the conflict resolver database

Now I have some issues (I will not list then all here) when trying to run the above options from within the virtual machine (not a VMWARE problem) for example cannot find DLL xyz etc..... in other words these programmes do not apear to like working over a mapped drive. if I install admin Studio on the local VMWare virtual PC it is OK, but this does not help when I want to import other OS Snapshots etc as I would then have to install Admin Studio on all the virtual PCs..

Does any one have experiance of running either of the above in a vmare environment?

Any tips and tricks to get it working well most appreciated

Thanks very much
(6) Replies
you may want to avoid mapping the shares you use. Mapped shares can cause the capturing process to capture other things than you intended and/or not capture needed data. Your VMware must be installed in a briged mode hence you can use a simple network access accross the VM machine to reach your shares.

sorry....can't help you with OS snapshots.
What OS is your VM?
"Does any one have experiance of running either of the above in a vmare environment? "

I do both loads and have never seen any problems. Although I usually just map the drive rather than do the whole shared folders thing. I cannot remember one problem tracing back to vmware.
ISRepackager.exe is designed to run from a remote share, I always use it like that using Shared Host Folders and have never had a problem. I just have a shared Host Folder pointing to C:\ on the local drive then I just drill down to isrepackager.exe and run it.
Never tried importing an VMWare O/S into ConflictSolver though so can't help you there.
Thanks every one for your input, using VM Shared Folder and pointing to C seems to be the most reliable way of doing it.

Thanks again for your help every one
I ran into the same problem - turned out it was the share permissions. By default (on XP) the share permissions are set to everyone-read. Once I set it to everyone-full I was able to write to the share.