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Using Admin Studio 6

Hi there people,

I am new to using Admin Studio so please be patient with me 🙂 . I am having sooooo many problems trying to create an MSI its untrue. I tried converting an AXT as we used to use Zen - without much joy and I am having more fun and games trying to create an MSI from an EXE. It seems pretty straight forward, use a clean image with Admin Studio 6 run the repackager a snapshot is taken then install the app a snapshot is retaken. I then go on to build the MSI it creates it but the application installs but doesnt work. The main problem is ICE33 errors - can anyone help me please?!

I know I shouldn't bribe but I'll buy you a drink, infact several 🙂

Thanks in advance
(1) Reply
Can anyone tell me - do you use templates when building your applications? Or just the default Editor template?

Also is anyone out there??? A few pointers into using this application would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

****** UPDATE ***** I have got my 1st MSI package to work - wooohoooo!! Converted an AXT to an MSI and she worked a treat. Still having problems creating from scratch though :confused: :confused: