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Tuner setup.exe has error reading ini

I created an MST and then when creating the package I selected "Create Installation Launcher" (Setup.exe). After the package is completed I try to run the setup.exe file and I get a message window that says "Error reading setup initialization file". But when I run the msi with the transform in the run command line it works fine. I also tried this on another install with the same result. Is there a step I'm missing in creating the setup.ini file? Thanks
(3) Replies
I just tried to create a simple transform with Tuner that created a setup.exe file. This worked fine for me. My steps were the following:

1. Go to Package node under Package Preparation.
2. Set Location to new empty folder.
3. Check the "Create installation launcher" checkbox.
4. Go to Project menu - Package.
5. Run Setup.exe created in new folder. You will also see the setup.ini in this folder as well.

I tested with AS 7 Professional Edition and encountered no problems.
Ajay Ladsaria wrote:
I just tried to create a simple transform with Tuner that created a setup.exe file. This worked fine for me. My steps were the following:

1. Go to Package node under Package Preparation.
2. Set Location to new empty folder.
3. Check the "Create installation launcher" checkbox.
4. Go to Project menu - Package.
5. Run Setup.exe created in new folder. You will also see the setup.ini in this folder as well.

I tested with AS 7 Professional Edition and encountered no problems.

I'm getting the same thing as the original poster. I've re-packaged QuickTime 7. If I run the MSI with the transform, it works fine. Run it via the "packager" setup.exe and it bombs immediately with the same message.
I don't understand why you'd repackage QuickTime (already an MSI) then create a transform (repackaging should have incorporated your changes) then recompile into a setup again (back where you started??).

If setup.exe's are ok in your environment, just create a setup.exe answer file.