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Specifying a network directory for installation

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have a repackaged application that works fine when it is in its msi format, but when I wrap the MSI in Marimba and push it out the installation fails. It fails with an error indicating that a mapped "O" drive is not present. ( the drive is mapped and is accessable) I used the direct editor and look for entries to see if the "O" drive is present and they show up. The application being installed has to have the "O" drive mapped to a particular directory otherwise it will not install because the source and target files are located there

My question is: Is there a function that I need to set in the msi package properties to set that tell the package to install?

As an FYI, apperently Marimba installs applications under a local system acount so it doesn't know about mapped drives even though it is mapped. This leads to my next question: Can I set the package to install and use a domain account to check to see if the drive is mapped?

(2) Replies
One common workaround is to have a custom action that maps, or even does a subst, of the drive when the MSI starts then unmaps at the end of the installation. The mapped drive will absolutely have to exist at install time.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
This sounds exactly like the problem I am facing. How do you create the custom action. I tried using the Custom Action Wizard but the wizard isnt very intuitive.
