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Replacing protected files

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I'm installing media player 9 on windows xp. One of the windows protected file dll's is replaced by this install. Every time I run the msi that i created, it install ok, but xp replace the dll again with the older (protected) version.

If i use the vendor supplied msi, it changes the dll no problem. I'm not sure how it does that... could anyone help me on this please.

(3) Replies
Possibly the vendor-MSI contains a custom action that runs an executable.
I'm not aware of a way to replace a file under WFP with a MSI.
If it doesn't you could open up the MSI and tell how it does that. Use transforms to tweak it.

In general: don't repackage servicepacks, internet explorer and Media player.


By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
thank you very much, although this was an executable (*.exe) and not an msi to start off with.

any ideas?
If you need an MSI you could write a wrapper MSI that launches the EXE.