Thanks, the path showed fine, so I unchecked the box like you said.
It "worked", and this is what I get in the log file. (I'm assuming the INSTALLDIR definition is what it's really complaining about so maybe that's why it won't build the MSI?):
Monday, February 12, 2007 02:39:38PM
Starting conversion
Creating Developer project: C:\dst.ism
Reading repackager output file
No INSTALLDIR definition was found in the Options.ini file. This may lead to unexpected results unless a suitable value exists in the project template.
Loading registry entries
Creating components for the files captured
Mapping registry information to the Advertising tables
Mapping typelib data from registry information to the TypeLib table
Mapping COM data from registry information
Mapping Application IDs from registry information and writing to the AppId table
Mapping ProgIDs from registry information
Writing to the Class table
Mapping file extensions and MIME types from registry information to the Extension and Mime tables
Mapping shell extension verbs from registry information to the Verb table
Writing to the ProgId table
Mapping application paths from registry information
Mapping environment variables from registry information to the Environment table
Processing .INI file changes and writing to the IniFile table
Applying merge modules
Creating directory folders and writing to the CreateFolders table
Writing unmapped registry information to the Registry table
Writing information to the RemoveRegistry table
Creating shortcuts and writing to the Shortcut table
Saving project file
Finished successfully.
Conversion completed with 1 warning(s).