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Repackager Out Of Memory Error

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am running repackager version on a Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.

I get an "Out of Memory" error when running the Repackaging Wizard to do a Snapshot in "multiple pass" mode. During the scan for the initial state of the system, I see the wizard count up to around 92000 entries then the error box pops up when it is analyzing the registry.

The repackaging log indicates it gets stuck on HKey_Local_Machine tree.

Any ideas how to fix this?
(1) Reply
I have never seen this before on WS 2003. But have you tried to do Installation monitoring instead of the snapshot is the best method to use in most scenarios.

Also, you may want to limit what Registry hives (or narrow down further) that the Repackager is monitoring.