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Admin installs

We are trying to understand the way a network admin would use MSI installations to deploy to a company's workstations. One of the things we thought we understood about the admin install to a server "msi package /A " was that it would write out to the server a transformed MSI that would also contain the UI input such as password, agreeing to a license agreement, etc. so that the admin would not have to input that imformation each time he installs the application to a workstation if he pushes it or if it is pulled to the workstation.

Do we not understand this or do we need to write a script to perform those inputs automatically or create a transform to place those UI items into a new MSI?
(4) Replies
The Admin Installation installs a source image if the application onto the network that is similar to the source image on the CD.

The Admin Installation does not add any answered UI properties into its installation. You must create a transform and apply the transform during the user's installation.

Or you could script it out if you choose to seek that path.
Thanks. Then it is consider good installation development practice to create for the customer a trnasform with the UI answers in it so that an install that does not require user inputs is also avaivable? Or is this something that is best left to the Admin to perform?
So what is the purpose or advantage of an admin install?
I don't feel that there is an advantage nowadays with the availability of the app delivery systems we have now and the App tools available.

But there are times when you might need to use it. For example, a CD installation might not allow you to install without the CD unless you do the admin install or if you want to hack the MSI. Also, you may need to re-organize the file structure than what is on the CD.

In some cases, the admin install will save the custom installation options but nowadays transforms are the way to go since you are not customizing an MSI and keeping the original MSI intact especially if you want Vendor Support.