I know you can wrap a MSI or EXE by selecting it in the Application Catalog tree and selecting Wrap package. If I want to add a dependency application (from the Application Catalog Tree) to my newly wrapped MSI or EXE is that possible? Would I have to add my dependency application manually by editing the PowerShell script and adding the logic to the Pre-Installation section as well as copy the dependency files to the Files folder?
Is there a better way to handle dependencies?
May 23, 2024 10:35 PM
At this time, AdminStudio does not provide a direct option to include a dependent application to the PS wrapping process. You would do as you described: add my dependency application manually by editing the PowerShell script and adding the logic to the Pre-Installation section as well as copy the dependency files to the Files folder.
It's a good idea of a product enhancement, you can submit that and vote on other clients' ideas here: https://flexerasfdc.ideas.aha.io/ideas?project=ADM (Community login required)
May 24, 2024 08:33 AM
At this time, AdminStudio does not provide a direct option to include a dependent application to the PS wrapping process. You would do as you described: add my dependency application manually by editing the PowerShell script and adding the logic to the Pre-Installation section as well as copy the dependency files to the Files folder.
It's a good idea of a product enhancement, you can submit that and vote on other clients' ideas here: https://flexerasfdc.ideas.aha.io/ideas?project=ADM (Community login required)
May 24, 2024 08:33 AM
@moconn Thank you for answering my question and for providing a link to submit my idea of a product enhancement
May 24, 2024 08:46 AM