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One-Click install question

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I just created my first one-click install and it works great. However, I would like a way to redirect the user's browser to a different page (other than install_installing.htm) once the installation has successfully completed.

Does anyone know how I might go about doing that?

Thanks so much in advance

(1) Reply

Thanks for your question regarding using the browser as part of your installation setup. According to Chapter 9 of the book "Getting Started with InstallShield Developer and Windows Installer Setups" by Bob Baker (IS Press), you should be able to use InstallScript to access a machine's Internet browser, then presumably to redirect it to any page you like.

However, there isn't much detail here, in fact the book points the user to the MSDN library for more information on using what it calls a WebBrowser control.

I hope this at least gets you started on the right path.