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Office 2000 Transform

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am trying to apply a Office 2000 Transform through SMS but have been unable to type the correct syntax in the command line. Has anyone on this forumn no the correct syntax? Any help would be appreciated. I have had luck silently installing Office 2000 through SMS using the /qn command but have had no luck applying the transform.
(7) Replies
What is the command line that you are using to apply the transform?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
The command line i'm using is msiexec /i DATA1PRO.MSI TRANSFORMS="new custom setup file.mst" /qn+

SMS is already looking at the servers folder where this is located so thats why I don't have drive letters in the path

I know if my syntax is wrong it won't work correctly. Thanks for any help you can offer.
Have you tried this command line out of SMS and does it work?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I tried this command and i've had no luck running the transform.
Try the following command line to create a log file and send me a copy of the log file.

msiexec /i Data1pro.msi TRANSFORMS= /lv* log.txt
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
After doing some further investigating into my problem I have figured out how to install Office 2000 through SMS but I still have the problem of applying the transform. After looking at some SMS documentation on deploying Office 2000 I discovered that instead of using the TRANSFORM command it says to use the /t command but the path I'm using it doesn't like the syntax at the end of it.

Data1pro.msi /t /qn

If I put the /qn in front of the msi part it ignores the transform command but if I put it at the end I get a syntax error. This is pretty much where I'm at now trying to figure out how to apply the transform in SMS. If I figure out a way to do this I'll post it since I haven't seen a problem like this researching past threads.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
There are multiple things you can try.

One item is to try and keep the name of your transform to follow 8.3 notation. For some reason SMS will on ocassion have problems with long file names.

Another thing to try is use the TRANSFORMS option as before, but use the full path to the transform. I have had problems at times where SMS does not source back correctly and cannot find the transform. In most cases, giving the full transform path seemed to fix this issue.

I hope on of these ideas helps.