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New Install AdminStudio 11 - Error creating Application Catalog

Trying to create the initial Application Catalog. Testing the connection after entering the sa password works. However, when I click Next, I get the following:

"Creating the application catalog...
Invalid object name 'AdminStudio Sample Catalog.dbo.AMS_SchemaInfo'.
ERROR Unable to create the application catalog"

At this point my options are
This is a brand new install. I allowed AdminStudio to install SQL 2005 during the setup.

Any help?


(1) Reply
JLHeaton wrote:
Trying to create the initial Application Catalog. Testing the connection after entering the sa password works. However, when I click Next, I get the following:

"Creating the application catalog...
Invalid object name 'AdminStudio Sample Catalog.dbo.AMS_SchemaInfo'.
ERROR Unable to create the application catalog"

At this point my options are
This is a brand new install. I allowed AdminStudio to install SQL 2005 during the setup.

If your version of AdminStudio had the option to install SQL Server 2005 for you, you must be on the old 11.0 version. The SQL auto-install feature was removed when AdminStudio 11.5 was released. You should at least update to 11.5 (which uses the same serial number as 11.0, so it won't cost you anything additional). I'm guessing that your SQL Server 2005 may have been installed on a machine with regional settings that default the SQL Database Collation to something incompatible with AdminStudio. AdminStudio requires that the SQL Database Collation is set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. When Windows is configured with some non-US regional settings, it causes SQL Server to default to a different database collation (Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS instead of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) which is incompatible with AdminStudio.

I recommend installing SQL Server 2008 R2 and forcing it to use SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS for its default database collation. Also make sure that the SQL server account or user account that you use to create the AdminStudio catalog database has SQL Server SysAdmin rights.

Note: Starting with AdminStudio 2013, only SQL Server 2008 R2 or later is supported.
