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MSI's and Active Directory

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am a new user to the AdminStudios software and would like to thank the developers for creating this tool that is fairly easy to learn and very powerful. It is already making my life simpler.

My question today is about MSI's and Active Directory. I recently took a legacy application that used to be installed by hand one component at a time and using Repackager through Snapshots created an MSI file that does the job for me. The MSI package works great. My problem came with attempting to assign that MSI through Active Directory Group Policy to be installed to specific machines.

While In AD I attempted to assign the newly created MSI with my GPO. After about a 30 second pause I received a pop-up error message stating...
"Add Operation Failed. Unable to extract deployment information from the package. Run validation on the package to ensure that the package is correct."

So, I went in to Developer and ran validation. Validation returned a report containing 4700 warnings but 0 Errors. An example of the warnings given is...

What must I do now to resolve the errors, or convice Active Directory that the package is good in order to achieve end goal of using Group Policy to deploy this MSI?

I've included the Validation Log in case it helps.
(3) Replies
I seriously doubt your problem is related the the ICE warning you are getting. The 4700 warnings you recieved are more than likly the registry information regarding ClassId information captured from your snap. While it ain't pretty it shouldn't stop you from having your script install.

It the install problem that has me puzzled. I would understand if the app installed but didn't work, but the fact it doesn't even install is the interesting part.

Can you give a few more details about what your installing and any dependancies you know of, it might help ring a bell.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
The initial program is a Cerner Product called ORMA. ORMA is a database program used by the folks in our Operating Room to track patients and cases from diagnosis through pre-op prep through post-op care.

I used the Before/After Snapshot method to generate the needed data to create the MSI. The MSI created does install to client machines from a local drive, network drive or removable media. Phase 1, get the package made, is a success.

The probelm comes when I attempt to use Active Directory Group Policy to assign the MSI to be installed to machines during the logon process. I don't know if the MSI works there or not because Active Directory refuses to make that MSI a part of the group Policy. In further readigs I've discovered that when I assign MSI's to group policy, Active Directory scans the MSI before accepting it into the Policy. AD is looking to ensure that the MSI as all of the needed information in order to deploy it. I don't know what the needed information includes. With this MSI, AD gives me the previously mentioed error message claiming that the package is not validated.

What I'm looking to find out is what I need to do to the MSI for Active Directory to accept it.
Try using MMC Group Policy from another machine to do the add. This KB below says that if you try to add Office2000 to a GPO from a machine that already has Office2000 you can get this message. I'm doing some research to see what GPO is looking for when it scans an MSI.;en-us;302471

The below URL also talks about the problem. In addition to removing the product before doing the add there is also a DLL patch.;en-us;324886

BTW- Are you familiar with DMLSS? I wrote that install 6 years ago when I was working on the DMLSS project.