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Lost in Michigan

I am a newbie to posting and packaging, please help direct me. I am working with a Zenworks version of Installshield. I am doing work for a firm whose vision is hands off electronic delivery of the apps instead of having a tech visit.
Several of the applications I have looked at and attempted to package require more setup/configuration after the software is installed. Items like turning off certain functions, or putting in a password. These changes are not options during the install. Some of these are registry or . :eek: ini entries I can find, but others not. Is there any way I can please management, or should I tell them it's just not possible with the apps they have? Management also seems averse to having the end-users do some of this themselves. Is it the apps, the tool or me?
Sorry to rattle on and thanks for listening.
(3) Replies
I am certainly no expert either, and I'd hope that a real expert would give you some more technical advice in addition to my reply........ but I have created several packages using the InstallShield Repackaging Wizard. (I'm not sure if your product differs) But I can run the installation using the Snapshot method, and before you actually Build the package in the Repackaged output section, you can modify the installation, such as remove shortcuts, putting in passwords, DB settings, turning off functions, etc.

Then when you have it the way you want it, you Build the package. More often than not, InstallShield will package all of the changes you have made after the initial installation had finished. Hope this helps, if not, someone should be able to give you a more technical reply.
This subject is covered fairly well in my blog. Look for the post called Chris's Rant about Repackaging.

The basic answer here is your going to have to learn to be a dective. It's not really wizard repackaging, it's setup reverse engineering.
Thanks for the reply. I'll try extending the end of the installation capture and see what I get from that.