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since ‎Dec 31, 2004
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OK, this is probably an easy one to you gurus out there. I've created a very simple package that just contains 5 files that need to replace older files in a directory when the package is installed. When I run the package manually, it works just fine....
I have deployed Adobe Reader 7.0.msi via Group Policy and it has worked quite well. I want to deploy the 7.01 update, but cannot figure out how to incorporate that into the .msi. Create a transform file? How would I go about that? I have the file Acr...
We recently had to restore several .msi packages from tape backup. When I attempt to run any of these packages, I get the following message: "Windows Installer: This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify t...
Hello - I am fairly new to the Admin Studio Suite. I have created several .msi packages using the Repackager in Admin Studio 5.5 and would like to have some of the packages automatically reboot after installation. How can I slipstream a reboot into t...
Online status:
‎Aug 14, 2023
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