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Install Conditions & System Search

Okay, hopefully this is a simple one.

System Search: Look for MSACCESS.exe in appropriate folder and store in value "OLDACCESS97"

In Install Conditions: I want to know if it IS located.

So, if it finds the EXE I'm assuming it assigns a "TRUE" or "1" value to my variable.

But what it appears to be doing is: if it DOESN'T find the EXE, it executes my install condition.

So I need the opposite. Should the Condition be "NOT OLDACCESS97" ?
(1) Reply
When MSACCESS.exe is found, AppSearch action will set the value of OLDACCESS97 property to the absolute path to the file. This behavior is explained in AppSearch table in MSDN.

There is not enough information on the launch condition. In any case, you will want to familiarize yourself with LaunchCondition table.

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