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Importing a Novell Zenworks .AXT file

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am trying to evaluate the new AdminStudio 3.0 feature where a ZENWorks AXT file can be directly imported and am not able to find any information on this feature. Previous discussions indicate that this evaluation copy is fully functional, so could you point me in the right direction to information on this feature?

Thank You
(6) Replies
If you launch author and goto File -> Open the browse dialog will let you open *.axt files. After you open the file the conversion process will take place.

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I'm trying the same process with the eval version of AdminStudio.

Couple of problems so far.

Open the .AXT file ok but on inspecting the parameters generated by the build process it always seems to drop the P in Program Files so all files end up being installed in "rogram files".

Actually the first characted seems to get missed off all directory's.

Also when trying to install the MSI file that AS3.0 creates I am often getting a message along the lines of unable to access network path \\M1 or similar.

My prime use for AS3.0 would be to migrate a load of Zenworks installs to MSI.

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Hello Matt

Can you please send us your AXT file so that we can look into the 1st issue where P in "Program Files" ends up as "rogram files"?
I haven't heard about this kind of problem before.
Another thing you can try to investigate further into this problem is by looking into the Inc file that gets created during the conversion. Check if the Inc file has "Program Files" or "rogram Files"

Now to the second issue, axt file is made up of different sections. For example

[File Copy]
Flag=Update Create

Or in some cases it can be

[File Copy]
Flag=Update Create

Now what happens during conversion process is that we create a property in the Property table, for example we will create a property in Property table DIRPROPERTY1=F:\ instead of hard coding the path. Similarly if TARGET_PATH is referred to C: we will create a property DIRPROPERTY1=C:\
So that when you run the installation your files go DIRPROPERTY1\Apps\ACH\Banker.ico

Now when you will launch the msi package, msi engine will try to resolve these properties and if the value of these properties is not resolved right you will get the error you are getting today. For example if F:\ on your machine do not exist you will get the error and installation will fail.

There are couples of way to fix this problem. First thing you can do is when the conversion is done go to the Direct Editor in developer then go to Property table and change the value of these properties to whatever you want. For example if you don't have F:\ on your machine you can change it to C:\ or D:\.
Second thing you can do is by running the package from command line and specifying new values to these properties from command line.

msiexe /i C:\test.msi DIRPROPERTY1=C:\

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Amber , as I don't know your e-mail address I have sent the files to and asked them to
forward the message on to you. I hope you get it.

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thanks a lot. I will look into this issue asap.
Matt, you can zip up the files and post them on the forum using the Attach file feature.