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ICE30 errors when repackaging

I'm trying to repackage some InstallShield setup.exe installations.
When i take snapshots of the installations i get a lot of ICE30 errors.
Is there some way to get around this problem?
If not, is there an easy way of fixing it?
I'm using Repackager 7.

(7) Replies
Ther's a bug in repackager 7 causing the problem.
Repackager 6 works fine.
It would be nice if IS could fix this ASAP. 😞
Would it be possible for you to zip up the *.INC & *.NIR files that were generated by the capture process and mail them to me at I'd like to have this looked at ASAP and if I can start the process with a known failure case it will go a lot faster.

David Thornley
KingVoodoo wrote:
I'm trying to repackage some InstallShield setup.exe installations.
When i take snapshots of the installations i get a lot of ICE30 errors.
Is there some way to get around this problem?
If not, is there an easy way of fixing it?
I'm using Repackager 7.


I get lots and lots of ICE33 warnings. Is this a similar issue?
(don't know what version of repackager, but it's fairly recent, how do you discover the version?)
I'm not sure why tose things end up in the wrong table, but we just ignor them (ICE33) if there are to many (they're just warnings).
Check your version in Help/About Repackager

ICE33 warnings are something different.

As I understand it: An ICE33 warning will occur when a repackage captures a HKCR registry entry which should automatically be created when the associated DLL is registered.

Entries in the Registry table that cause an ICE33 warning can be left in your MSI. They can also be removed BUT may cause problems when running a repair.

Hi Everyone,

We have released a hotfix to the repackager that resolves the ICE 30 error that some customers have reported. Please follow this link to read more about the hotfix and to download the actual bits.

An updated version of the standalone repackager is available here

David Thornley
Hi David,

Is this BUG fixed in Adminstudio 9?
I have downloaded this hotfix, but was not able to install as the hotfix is only for Adminstudio 7.
