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hey !!!

I test adminstudio 6.0 (evaluation) but i have lots of problems with predeployment test.

i work with windows xp.
IE 6.
iis is started.
i have ASP.NET permissions to folders "adminstudio Shared". is registered with IIS (.../aspnet_regiis.exe -i).

I use the database by default : sample.mdb

- i specify the source .msi package and the target .msi package

- i launch my "target analysis .msi"

- i open the view test .

but i see only the name of the machine and not the job identifier with the results=> i don't see the results of te tests.

Someone have a idea ???
(3) Replies
Can you send me your sample.mdb file so that I can verify.
RajeshTammana wrote:
Can you send me your sample.mdb file so that I can verify.

hey !

thanks you to answer !

i work with windows xp (french)

i have make a test with (xp us) : predeployment test is ok ( i don't understand why ?)

but i use normaly a xp french (i don't want change my computer when i use predeployment test)

i attach : sample.mdb

It looks like the complete data is not present in the sample.mdb file. Could you pls perform the following steps so that I can debug the problem.

1. Go to \InstallShield\AdminStudio\6.0\Predeploytest\Service folder and open the Web.config file.

Go to the end of the file and change the following line

Run the test pacakge again so that it sends the data to the Predeployment service.

Now under Service directory, you should see a new folder called Log and there should be log file created in that.

Send it to