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Current User Keys

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When I am distributing an Installshield package to my users via SMS I run into problems with HKey_Current_User registry entries. The HKey_Current_User keys don't get pushed down to my users. I believe that this is because SMS is installing the application utilizing the "System" account in order for the install to have admin rights. Therefore, how do I get the Current_Users keys installed with my package via SMS? Thanks ahead of time.
(4) Replies
If you have advertised shortcuts, upon launching one of them by your users, Windows Installer will detect and repair broken components before launching the application. When authored correctly, HKCU registry entries would be repaired at that point.
True, of course the hard part is removing those registry values from the users after you uninstall.
Not applicable
For the package that I am woking on there are no shortcuts to advertise. 😞
Without knowing your product ( keep in mind creating a COM instance can also be used to trigger repair ) you can always make your own fake program. Create a simple no-operation program, give it an advertised shortcut in the startup folder. The next time a user logs on the program attempts to start, resiliency takes over and your HKEY_CURRENT_USER data is populated.