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Cant start AdminStudio 8.6

After I start Adminstudio, I'm asked for SCCM site server name and a user name with the corresponding password. No matter what I input, I got the error of "unable to connect to Microsoft SCCM server".

How could I fix this?
(5) Replies
I am having the same exact problem. I tried the NetBIOS name of the server, the FQDN of the server, the admin user name both with and without the domain prefixed, and I know the password is right, yet I get the same error you do.

Perhaps somebody from Macrovision will stumble across this and give us an easy answer for it.

I'm having the same problems as well. I emailed Macrovision support and here is their response:

Unfortunately, we have very limited experience with issues relating to the SCCM server technology. Beyond the usage of our client software, we are not able to provide much in the way of support for server-side connectivity issues. For the quickest resolution of this issue, we recommend contacting Microsoft as they would have the necessary support resources for troubleshooting this server technology.

Out of courtesy, I will leave this support incident open for now in the offchance that there is something that we can do to further assist you.


Technical Support:

I located some information that could help troubleshoot this issue.

The check that AdminStudio is performing is basically querying the WMI Namespace to see if SMS/SCCM is installed on the target server. If this is failing for some reason, you can enable WBEM logging to see why:

Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Services and Applications -> WMI (or 'WMI Control' on Server 2k3) -> Right Click -> Properties -> Logging -> Verbose.

You'll also see in this screen the path to the logs folder to check.

Also, you'll want to verify the SMS namespace, since if SCCM isn't installed properly this check could also fail. You can see this by navigating to the 'Security' tab--it should be listed as Root\SMS.

Hope this helps!
OK, here's what I did to get the latest AdminStudio running:

1. Initially, I've installed AdminStudio with SCCM on the same machine, got the same error: Unable to connect to Microsoft SCCM
2. Tried all different methods: Localhost, NetBIOS Name, FQDN, IP address etc.
3. Got fed up, uninstalled the application and installed in on another seperate box with Windows XP SP2
4. Got it connected and was running prefectly!

Conclusion, I suppose AdminStudio was running on the some port(s) where SCCM itself was probably holding on to it; thus, moving it to another box ensures that AdminStudio is able to connect to the correct Port that SCCM is LISTENING!

Probably someone could shed a light to confirmed this.

Hope this helps!
jamesosw wrote:
OK, here's what I did to get the latest AdminStudio running:

1. Initially, I've installed AdminStudio with SCCM on the same machine, got the same error: Unable to connect to Microsoft SCCM
2. Tried all different methods: Localhost, NetBIOS Name, FQDN, IP address etc.
3. Got fed up, uninstalled the application and installed in on another seperate box with Windows XP SP2
4. Got it connected and was running prefectly!

Conclusion, I suppose AdminStudio was running on the some port(s) where SCCM itself was probably holding on to it; thus, moving it to another box ensures that AdminStudio is able to connect to the correct Port that SCCM is LISTENING!

Probably someone could shed a light to confirmed this.

Hope this helps!

Hi James,

Since my last post, we have confirmed that there's an issue when SCCM and AdminStudio are on the same machine. This is referenced here:

Troubleshooting SMS/SCCM Connectivity in AdminStudio SCCM Edition

"Is AdminStudio installed on the same machine as the SCCM Server? If so, this is a known issue that has been submitted as a bug in issue #IOC-000068006. At present, it is necessary to connect to a remote instance of SCCM as a result of this bug."

Basically, the issue is that the query that's being made to WMI uses remote server syntax, and fails since this isn't valid locally. So what you've found is currently the correct approach to take to getting AdminStudio to work with SCCM.

Hope this helps anyone else that is running into issues with this.