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Basic MSI Project all files inside ??


I'm making a simple Basic MSI Project

with Devstudio 9.01 sp1. Adminstudio edition

And no mater what, i can't get the files for the installation to Build

inside the MSI.

I get this Install release folder where the files are, i want them inside the MSI.

Sweede :mad:
(3) Replies
In DevStudio, use the Release Wizard: select any media type besides Network, select Compress All Files, and select not to include setup.exe. That combination should result in all files being placed inside the MSI database.
Hi Robert

Thank you for your reply

but still i got one MSI and a cab file

You wrote:
In DevStudio, use the Release Wizard: select any media type besides Network, select Compress All Files, and select not to include setup.exe. That combination should result in all files being placed inside the MSI database.

but then I selected network + compress all files + not to include setup.exe.

Now we are running!

Sweede 🙂
Hi, Sweede,

Sorry, it's the old "Robert-shouldn't-answer-questions-before-drinking-coffee" bug: yes, you do want the Network type.

In any case, the text on the Release Configuration panel of the Release Wizard has it right, and I'm glad you've got it working...

--- Robert