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Automating the creation of a new Workflow Project

Is there a way to automate the creation of a new workflow project in AdminStudio?

I've created some process templates which automate the process of creating the package, but I want to be able to automate the project creation without having to use the GUI to create a new project.

To clarify what I am asking, refer to:

I want to automate the entire process under the section called "Creating a Project Based on the Workflow"
(4) Replies
Manipulating the SQL database would be a last resort, I suppose.

So far I've found three table which relate to project workflows:
- wftblTemplateWorkflow
- wftblUserWorkflows
- wftblTemplates

wftblUserWorkflows contains my projects
wftblTemplates contains the process templates I've created
wftblTemplateWorkflow maps the project name to a template

When I insert a new row into the wftblUserWorkflows and wftblTemplateWorkflow tables, I can get the project name to appear in the Process Assistant, but none of the tasks appear under that project. Is there anything else I need to do?
Dude did you figure this out??
Hello Mr BNZ 🙂

Nah, I ran outta time and never looked into it again. But I've given you three tables to start off with... I'm sure it won't take you long to figure it out 😉
Yeahhh but like you said.....last resort!

I'll see what I can do