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Application reinstalls on launch

I have an application that I repackaged using AdminStudio 3.5 that reinstalls itself every time you launch the application. After the install completes, the application works correctly, until the next time you start it. The process repeats. Now if this is not bad enough, this happens only on Sunday and Monday. The rest of the week, the app launches normally. I don't have a clue on where to look. I have repackaged earlier versions of the app without problems. The last two versions have exhibited this behavior, even on a clean machine.

Any idea what is going on or how to trouble shoot this?

(2) Replies
I would suggest looking into Event Viewer to determine component(s) causing repair.
I found the answer. I had managed to capture some log files, and the MSI engine was trying to put back the files that the application was deleting as old ones.

I removed the log files from the MSI package and that solved the problem.

Thanks for the help.
