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Application Manager - ASTTestAssessmentProc Error

Since the update from AdminStudio 2012 Spring to AdminStudio 2013 I'm getting the followng pop-up message when selecting the 'Test Center' tab in the Application Manager window and that message is: Could not find stored procedure 'ASTestAssessmentProc'. Plus it loads but fails to run any of the selected OS any compatibility tests...

Suggestions ??

The Application Catalog claimed to upgrade successfully:
Upgrading to Target Application Catalog 'REDACTED_SERVER_NAME (Application Catalog) - REDACTED_USER_NAME'
Upgrading existing schema of Target Application Catalog 'REDACTED_SERVER_NAME (Application Catalog) - REDACTED_USER_NAME'
Plugin Appv Import Plugin successfully executed custom sql.
Plugin Msi Import Plugin successfully executed custom sql.
Plugin WebApp Import Plugin successfully executed custom sql.
Plugin XenApp Distribution Plugin successfully executed custom sql.
Plugin Xpf Import Plugin successfully executed custom sql.
Upgrading Package ID 4
Upgrading Package ID 5
Upgrading Package ID 7
Upgrading Package ID 8
Updating test assessment data...
The catalog operation completed successfully
Build Catalog task successfully finalized and committed
Upgrade Completed
(6) Replies
Flexera Alumni
Hi Karl__.

I just noticed this post of yours. The stored procedure in question is in the file - AS_StoredProcedures.sql. Please try running this file again through Sql Management Studio against the AS 2013 catalog.

If you are still seeing issues, then please upload the logs as I mentioned in the other thread.

Alpesh wrote:
Hi Karl__.

I just noticed this post of yours. The stored procedure in question is in the file - AS_StoredProcedures.sql. Please try running this file again through Sql Management Studio against the AS 2013 catalog.

If you are still seeing issues, then please upload the logs as I mentioned in the other thread.


I re-ran the AS_StoredProcedures.sql script and it throws the following 4 errors (NOTE: the database was previously at the 2012 Spring level):

Starting Execution of AS_StoredProcedures.SQL
Msg 139, Level 15, State 1, Procedure ASTestAssessmentProc, Line 0
Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.
Msg 139, Level 15, State 1, Procedure ASTestAssessmentProc, Line 0
Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.
Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Procedure ASTestAssessmentProc, Line 17
Must declare the scalar variable "@Left".
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure ASTestAssessmentProc, Line 22
Must declare the scalar variable "@Left".

Creating Table Triggers...

Execution of AS_StoredProcedures.SQL complete
I am having the exact same issue after upgrading from 2012 to 2013. I have created a new catalog DB and that one works but that does not help since I do not want to reimport all of my apps. I have ran the sql file again and am receiving the same errors Karl is getting. Any help would be appreciated.
Flexera Alumni
Can you guys confirm if your Sql Server is 2005? Can you try the same thing on a SQL Server 2008 R2 database?

Alpesh wrote:
Can you guys confirm if your Sql Server is 2005? Can you try the same thing on a SQL Server 2008 R2 database?


This issue was fixed after rebuilding the database from scratch with AdminStudio 2013 on a 2008 R2 SQL server so I cannot aid in troubleshooting the SQL Server 2005 migration problems from AS 2012 Spring to AS 2013.
I'm getting the same errors as Karl__ in his 8/1/2013 posting, on SQL Server 2008 R2, when creating the App Catalog DB manually using the scripts.

I also get an additional error, though:

"Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'uisp_UnregisterClient'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists."

I have a ticket open on this that has been bumped up to the developers.