In Application Catalog Wizard,(Standalone)On Prem-Sql is chosen, entering either Server Auth or Windows Auth shows login failed for user.
This is for both connecting to existing and creating new catalog.
Choosing Server Auth, Failed for User
Choosing Windows Auth, failed for User.
Creating a connection to an existing catalog, with windows auth, shows login failed for "" , it's not picking up the windows username. Entering details for Server Auth, the username is picked up and fails.
User can connect via an UDL file and can telnet to server. User has rights to log onto the server.
Previous versions connected without issue. Thoughts? Bug?
‎Jan 23, 2023 03:53 PM - edited ‎Jan 23, 2023 03:56 PM
Hello @jason_ciesiolk -
Thanks for your patience. It would be best if you Opened a New Case with our Technical Support team. For this issue, we'd like to gather some AdminStudio logs from you to determine a root cause. From there, we can determine if its a product defect or something else.
Thanks for your assistance
‎Feb 03, 2023 01:09 PM